구본형 변화경영연구소




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2006년 8월 22일 17시 25분 등록
-Waiting for Godot? or dogs?-

Two guys appear on a country road where only a tree exists. Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for ‘Godot.’ Who Godot’ is, is unknown. They strongly believe Godot is coming. Godot, however, never appears until the end. While waiting for Godot, they chat mindlessly. Or worse yet, they believe that their waiting is a kind of prayer? or a vague supplication.? Estragon suggests, ‘Let’s go.’ Vladimir answers, ‘We can’t.’ Estragon again, ‘Why not?’ Vladimir answers, ‘We are waiting for Godot.’ Following Estragon and Vladimir, two more characters appear, Lucky and Pozzo. While talking about the happiness and misfortune of their lives, they try to commit suicide by hanging. However, they never take the plunge. They are waiting for Godot as well.

The Irish author, Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ is so called, ‘theatre of the absurd’ portraying four peculiar characters ’who are simply waiting. When the play was first shown in France, most of the audience interpreted Godot to be God. However, Beckett never gave any charity by explaining what Godot implied. The only thing he said was ‘Try not to find the meaning inside of the play.’ Though unclear, it is believed that the play is the story of all human beings unaware of the reason of their birth, searching for the meaning of life, acknowledging the nihilistic view of their lives.

Mr. Bong, Jun-ho, in his movie, Barking Dogs Never Bite is more charitable to the audience, than Samuel Beckett. Mr. Bong gives hints about why they waiting for DOGS and what made the characters are waiting for their DOGS. The stage is also more detail than ‘Waiting for Godot’. The stage is not a country road where only a tree exists but, an urban apartment village. The illogical and unreasonable conversations that the four characters had in ‘Waiting for Godot’ is same as ‘Barking dogs never bite.’ Beneath the mixture of idle daily routine, ghost stories, imagining to appear on a TV show a hero who captures a murderer, the imprudent rescuing of dogs, and rustling up bribe money to buy a professorship, lurks Korean social analysis.

Youn-Ju (Lee, Sung-Jae) is an indolent instructor at a university living on his two year older pregnant wife’s salary. The constant yapping of a small dog somewhere in the apartment block drives him crazy. Actually the reason he become hysterical is a combination of hating the dog and his situation of idly sitting at home wondering how to rustle up the bribe money that will buy his a professorship. Finally, prowling the corridors, he decides to kidnap the dog that is driving him crazy! The movie looks like several interwoven short films about a lecturer, a pet-loving girl, an elderly women whose only relative is a pet, the janitor who has a taste for dog stew, and an apartment office girl who is hoping to become famous by ‘doing the right thing’. The director builds a microcosm of Korean society, which feels so believable it seems rash to call it satire.

Mr. Bong perfectly captured the humor of the underlying questions about the relative worth of dogs and humans. This is a wry, blackish comedy about dry relationships within an apartment village, the lack of humanity loving pets, a society edging toward hysteria and tedious daily routines. In the end, although the characters?? positions were revered, they are still waiting for dogs. Why? Because their dogs are ‘Godot’ It must be the movie of the absurd portraying Korean society.

Pay your attention to the two main characters acting (Lee, Sung-Jae and Bae, Du-Na). They will give you a real joy as if you are observing your own neighbors.

IP *.153.213.49

프로필 이미지
2006.08.22 16:17:37 *.153.213.49
아- 이 영화는 현재 '괴물'을 만든 봉준호 감독의 첫번째 장편영화인 '프란다스의 개'입니다. 영문제목으로는 'Barking dogs never bite입니다.
프로필 이미지
2006.08.22 18:10:25 *.153.213.49
저는 퍼온글의 출처를 밝히지 않을만큼 예의가 없지 않고, 제가 쓰지 않은 글을 이곳에 올릴 만큼 용감하지도 않습니다.

영어로 표현한 이유요? 그것은 그저 영어로 쓰고 싶었기 때문입니다. 언어 사용에 대한 선택은 작가 고유영역이 아닌가 싶습니다.

외국 사람이 이 싸이트에 몇명이나 들어오는지, 저에게는 관심 밖의 일입니다. 전 단지 '연구원 자격'으로 글을 올렸을 따름입니다.

참, 그리고 왠만하면 리플을 다실때 실명으로 글을 올리시는게 어떠시겠어요? 지나가다님? ^^

프로필 이미지
2006.08.22 20:17:24 *.153.213.49
네- 지나가다님, 맞습니다. 규약은 없지요.

하지만, 제 글에 대해 의문을 제기하셨고, 또 의견을 말씀하셨으므로, 어떤 분이실까, 라는 관심에서 드렸던 말씀이었습니다. 지나가다님께서 어떠실지 모르겠지만, 글 하나를 올리는 것이 그리 쉬운일은 아닙니다. 글을 올린 후 반응이 궁금하기도 하고요. 당연히 누가 나에 대해서 어떤 의문을 제기하면 누가 제기했을까, 알고 싶은게 인간의 심리 아닌가요?

리플을 누가 썼는지 상관할 바가 아니라고요? 네- 규약은 없으니 그렇지요. 하지만, 전 적어도 제가 쓴 글에 대해서 어떤 반응이 있을까 알 권리는 있다고 봅니다. 제 이름으로 당당하게 쓴 글이니깐요. 이것은 제 글에 대한 자존심이기도 하지요. 누가 썼는지 상관말라니요? 어찌 그리 무책임한 말씀을 하십니까? 본인께서 공들여 쓰신 글에 빈정대는 듯한 말투로 의문을 제기한 글에 대해서 어찌 편안한 마음을 가질 수 있겠습니까? 지금 쓰신 글에 대해서 적어도 본인께서 자존심이 있으시다면, 당당히 실명을 들고 나서도 부끄럽지 않으시겠지요. 지나다가님께선 댓글을 누가썼는지 상관안하시겠지만, 적어도 전 그렇게 성숙하지 않은가 봅니다.

의미없는 기사의 리플을 다는 것 같아 글을 올릴까 말까 망설였지만, 제 글에 대해서 항변을 하는 것이 제 글에 대한 최소한의 예의인 듯하여 이렇게 글을 올립니다. 그러나 더 이상의 답변은 생산적인 행위가 아니라는 생각이 들어 더 이상은 답변하지 않으렵니다.

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